Zarówno ludzie, jak i maszyny posiadają zdolność do generowania nowych pomysłów, rozwiązań i artefaktów, aczkolwiek poprzez różne mechanizmy i procesy. Co to znaczy być artystą znajdującym się na styku sztuki, technologii i innowacji? Czy pomaganie kreatywności za pomocą AI to tylko trend czy nieunikniony rozwój? Czy ludzie mogą nadal rozwijać się bez maszyn?


Na wieczór kończący Showcase ICA zapraszamy na specjalne wydarzenie prezentujące różne podejścia do kreatywności wzmocnionej sztuczną inteligencją. Każdy prelegent zaprezentuje swoją pracę wzmocnioną sztuczną inteligencją i umieści ją w szerszym kontekście podczas prezentacji.

KIEDY:  17 Marca, 14:30

GDZIE: ICA, Cinema 2, London



The Gift of the World

The Gift of the World


(AI photofilm 9:25, short talk by the director)

Is AI a threat to human lives – or can it help us envisage a better future? Joanna Zylinska’s short experimental film, A Gift of the World (Oedipus on the Jetty), offers a posthumanist take on the apocalyptic themes of the present moment. Telling a gender fluid narrative of survival as dreamed up by the film’s director in co-creation with AI algorithms, it dismantles the myth of the male saviour in European history and the traditional family structure that props it. A Gift of the World (Oedipus on the Jetty) remediates Chris Marker’s famous apocalyptic photofilm, La Jetée, by training a StyleGAN2 model on stills extracted from Marker’s original while having a script written with the assistance of an AI language model. In this way, the film enacts an opening within our dominant stories of social, political and environmental malaise, while showing us that machines can dream in unexpected ways. As part of the screening, Zylinska will introduce her film while offering some wider reflections on its socio-political and technical aspects.

Joanna Zylinska is a writer, artist, curator and Professor of Media Philosophy + Critical Digital Practice at King’s College London. She is a member of Creative AI Lab, a collaboration between King’s and Serpentine Galleries. Zylinska is an author of a number of books – including AI Art: Machine Visions and Warped Dreams (Open Humanities Press, 2020) and Nonhuman Photography (MIT Press, 2017). An advocate of “radical open-access,” she is an editor of the MEDIA : ART : WRITE : NOW book series for Open Humanities Press. Her own art practice involves experimenting with different kinds of image-based media. She is currently researching perception and cognition as boundary zones between human and machine intelligence, while trying to map out scenarios for alternative futures. Her latest book is The Perception Machine: Our Photographic Future Between the Eye and AI (MIT Press, 2023, open access).


The Wizard of AI



(AI-generated film 19:19 + short talk by the director)

The Wizard of AI is a twenty minute, 99% AI-generated visual essay in which a hoodie-wearing faceless ‘AI Collaborator’, voiced by the artist, is our critically incisive guide. Defining this particular epoch as one of “wonder-panic”, Alan Warburton takes us on a speeding visual rollercoaster of flawlessly executed visual styles, encompassing histories of comic books, animation VFX and film.

Alan Warburton is a London-based researcher, artist, animator, filmmaker, writer, curator and critic. He is currently researching digital images and labour for a PhD at Birkbeck’s Vasari Research Centre for Art and Technology. Alan’s work — particularly his video essays —have become central to critical discourse around computer graphics and digital image cultures of the 21st century.






(AV performance, 25min)

DRASS is an audio-visual work by the digital artist Shardcore (aka Eric Drass). Sinister, uncanny and unsettling, the performance consists of a bleak, electronic song-cycle performed live against AI-generated visuals. Treated vocals and disturbing lyrics add a brutally human element to a nightmare vision of the modern digital content-drowned world. The performance ultimately asks us what we find more disturbing – the AI generated visuals, or the man who created them?



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